Some new Harry Potter pins were just launched… let’s take a closer look at the Shops of the Wizarding World Pin Set
If you weren’t aware the Harry Potter fan club launched a range of collectible pin badges all inspired by the Harry Potter stories,

Now I don’t know about you, but I love collecting and wearing things that are inspired by the Wizarding World
and there are pin sets you can get to represent your house and I of course got the Hufflepuff pin badge set, because I’m in Hufflepuff
and there are sets you can get when you sign up for your second year of gold club membership, which is the Hogwarts pets
now if you’re not looking to get too involved, there are also individual pins that you can purchase
and in just a moment I’ll showcase a brand new one that is coming very very soon
This is a new set that was just launched showcasing Shops of the Wizarding World
so if you aren’t able to see them in real life then hopefully this video will give you a closer look, if you’re deciding to get them
and on the side it showcases each of the shops that are featured in the…the set
and on the back it gives you a preview of the shops but without further ado let us actually open up this set

opening up this set you can see there’s some information inside – illustrating that the outside of Honeyduke’s pin is the set exclusive
so ultimately what that means is that pin will only be available if you purchase this entire set now moving on to the pins themselves as you can see they are pretty glorious and I do believe that they all interconnect together
but let’s have a little closer look at the Honeydukes, showcasing the two colours of Honeydukes that we’ve known and grown to love

I really like the Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes, I think it’s quite a spectacular pin really Madam Malkin’s is very cute, showcasing some of the clothing that you can get on the inside

I really like the Quality Quidditch Supplies the broomstick is there, you can see the Quaffles – I think that’s so cute – I love that it’s red as well

the Eeylops Owl Emporium is very very cute (high pitched) look at the little owls how cute they are

and then we come to Ollivander’s. It even showcases the the higgledy-piggledy placement of the wands in the window shop

I like some higgledy-piggledy display of wand boxes, so I’ve gotta say, I do really like that badge
These are available at the moment to purchase online and if you’re a GOLD MEMBER, you can get 20% off
Finally I want to show you a brand new pin that is coming out, which is the Niffler pin

24 hour early access will be available to gold members to get this pin, which is on the 31st of March 2021 with general release being on the 1st of April
There will be some more pins coming out very very soon
So that’s it, those are the new Harry Potter Pins, share your thoughts down below and with that remember the wizarding world is just one spell away