LitJoy Crate has released this magical subscription box and it’s all to do with a certain Magical Ally
so, let’s get on with the unboxing…
Hi everyone, it’s Rodney here and LitJoy Crate has sent this box over to me for free to showcase to you
and I’m very excited, but can we first talk about how amazingly designed the outside of the box is
like, look at this fantastic artwork

now we all know this particular magical alley and it is marvellous
so the item on the top is this, I can see a magical menagerie box…

says congratulations on your new pet, take care of it and keep a close eye on it at all times
magical menagerie is not responsible for any cases of an animagi
magical menagerie – the best pet shop in Diagon Alley
aw cute, it’s a little a plushy toad it looks like
okay let’s get it out and hopefully I can get this without damaging the box
because we love our packaging that looks so professional
I don’t wanna damage that, how cute is that?
it looks so funny, it’s a little squishy toad, that’s so cute
so smol, oh bless – I’ll put it back in it’s crate so it doesn’t escape
next item on top I can see the pin badge – I’ll quickly get it out of its crinkly packaging, so it doesn’t make too much noise
it’s a LitJoy Crate exclusive and it is a Diagon Alley and Knockturn Alley pin badges

this is very cute and very subtle you could totally wear this
and it does have two clasps at the back with these cool rubber stoppers
so you could totally wear this and it’d be very subtle magical merchandise
that you could wear and not everyone would get it
but certainly the wizards and witches
that see you wearing this will totally get what it is
I love this, this is so cute
next item that caught my eye is this green little pouch,
I’m very intrigued what’s inside here
so it feels metal, it feels like a coin
and it is – it says Alohomora

unlocking charm , the thief’s friend

and look it even has the spell movement on – so it is a swish and a down very cool, that’s very pretty, very solid that’s great
now there’s a few more magical shops along this magical alley, so we can certainly have a look
and I see this LitJoy Crate exclusive
Florean Fortescue’s ice cream inspired flavours
chocolate raspberry… it’s tea!

oh cute, little tea bags
they’re even in a little triangles
mmmm, they smell very nice
chocolate raspberry they do smell like chocolate and I can smell raspberry
that’s so cute, so chocolate raspberry tea bags in an ice cream tin
so ice cream inspired flavours, I see very clever, that’s so cute
it’s even got the little logo on the top
this is a cute little box. I’m loving the design on all of these so far
Eelops Owl Emporium, 521 N. Diagon
what could this be? I have no idea I really don’t want to damage any of this packaging because it’s all so pretty
what what is this?
okay I see a wheel
okay so I’ve got a…
I don’t know what this is…and a
a magical golden wheel?…
and then
like beautiful little owls… in metal
i don’t know what this is….
it’s very beautiful
I don’t know how I’m going to show this on camera without it reflecting dreadfully, there we are
can you see? It’s like etched on
and these little owls are cute, I’m guessing you hang the owls on this metal…
oh okay
and does this go on top of here somehow?
owls…okay I’m gonna have to look at the cheat sheet because I don’t know what this is…
but I’m very intrigued
it looks like some sort of contraption…
that goes with the wind somehow?
okay excuse my ignorance, I don’t know what this is
but I’m very excited to find out, so stay tuned to the end
okay so next is this box…Madame Pimpernell’s Plume et Bloom perfume

beautiful floral scent, that’s light as a feather
okay I’m not sure what this is, I’m guessing it’s a perfume
is there perfume in it?
oh it looks like – okay so I managed to get the glass lid out
and it’s this beautiful little perfume bottle
that’s made of glass – very delicate
wow such intricate, I’m loving all this delicate items in this box, so clever…wow
there’s another big box in this one and I’ll save that for last, because it does look very exciting
I see another pin badge in here which i’ll quickly just get rid of the
crinkly packaging to make as not to make, too much noise
and it is this Weasleys Wizard Wheezes staff badge

this is so pretty
and it has a pin at the back
so as if I was going to be working
at Weasleys Wizard Wheezes, which I totally would because how much fun would that be?
this is a beautiful badge that I would wear, if i was working there
so this next item is very cute and I believe it’s probably a bookmark

and it, as if it was a photo booth, in this Magical Alley, featuring harry and hagrid
very cute and this is artwork by Sarah Conradson
very cute indeed – they do such lovely bookmarks LitJoy
there’s also a little postcard in here of the entire artwork

that looks by the same illustrator that created the outside of this box
and there’s a few familiar wizards that you can see amongst this
a fabulous illustration – goodness some people are really talented, I could never draw anything like this
I’ve kept us all waiting long enough but it features a beautiful box which as we can see
says Ollivander’s on, in beautiful gold
– makers of fine wands since 382 bc goodness, well you know I love me some wands…

let’s open that up and see what that looks like
okay it’s got some nice foam on here to protect it
that’s a cute little wand
look at that
it feels very solid
could this be real wood?
it’s got a beautiful gem on the end
I like that very cute little wand
I didn’t expect to get a wand in a box
that’s such good quality…wow
this has certainly been an amazing box
there’s also, okay I see, there’s actually instructions…
because they probably put this in for people like me, that didn’t know what this was
so it looks like you put the fan on
oh okay and you hang the owls on, oh and a candle…
okay so the candle heat makes it spin

thank you for the added instructions for silly billys like me
there is also a card at the bottom here which I imagine is the cheat sheet
and wow got some really cool artwork in here, look at that
so the cheat sheet is also a poster of this particular magical alley
so that’s it for this magical subscription LitJoy Crate unboxing
my goodness there’s been some amazing items in this box
like can you believe? I don’t know if I can even choose a favourite

it’s going to have to be a combination of a few, I’d probably say between the Eelops Owl Emporium candle holder
just because look at this packaging, so beautiful and then this is just the base
and look how beautiful that is it’s almost blinding, it’s so shiny, I can’t wait to try that with a candle
so that’s very exciting i do also like
the pin badges because they’re very subtle but very magical at the same time – love these
and then I couldn’t actually believe that you would get a wand in a box like this, with such a beautiful box
and I love wand boxes, I’m sure you’ve seen and that’s such a nice wand would be inside as well
a very cute wand, I know my wands
this isn’t a character wand, but it’s a great unique wand indeed with like a gem – fantastic!
now if you want to get your hands on one of these magical subscription boxes
then be sure to go to
because there’s a new box that’s actually been launched today which is The Burrow Box
so if you’re really interested to get that, then I would certainly go and visit their site